When I swallow, it's painful. I have some blisters in my tonsils. Bad chicken pox! Bad!
Some months ago, I heard an experience of my housemate of her chicken pox. She told me it was one of her worst nightmare! She hated it! And I was just saying... "really? Oh..." I thought to myself... Hmmmm... I don't think I'll have that chicken pox. Since I have a strong immune system! Hah!
So now, I thought to myself... I should have had a vaccination of chicken pox years ago. Why did I not have that vaccination? Why???? I should have had my chicken pox vaccination so I won't suffer this horrible experience!
When my father went to the store to buy the medicine, the "tindera" asked him, "why did you not have opted to vaccination instead? The vaccination is cheaper than the medicine!" But it was already too late. My sister and I already have chicken pox!
A few days back, when my chicken pox was just starting, I tried to do some research of this. But I saw horror pictures! The chicken pox really looks horrifying, that I just closed the tabs that I opened. I did not bother to check this again.
So what can I do now? I'll just sit back, relax, and enjoy the blisters and fever!