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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So What Now? After Retrenchment

Some tidbits on how to live after retrenchment. 

Either you apply for another job, or do something new and interesting.  Try out and learn new stuff.  Of course, since you are still in the learning curve, don't forget to check your wallet.  Do you still have enough funds to do it?  For how long?  After trying out this new stuff, and still does not work, then that is the time that you need to go back and apply for a new job. Maybe a job that is not that toxic.  In a way, you still can continue learning what you have started off.  But be sure to make time to learn.  Don't be content and relaxed and think that you have a stable job.  Learn something new.  That way, you won't be insecure of losing your job.  This will be your fallback.  Or better, this would be your main source of income. 

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