As I am waiting for my boarding time, I cannot wait to tell you about my experience on how I was blessed.
There were so many of them that I don't know how to start this.
My Fist Blessing
This is the first Christmas that I did not do some Christmas shopping. I don't have enough budget to buy gifts for my family. But I wished and was hoping that I would have something to give even just to my small pamangkins. They might be expecting something from their tita. But I could not afford it.
On the morning of my departure, one of my friends texted me asking when would we meet again. Then I told her that we would be celebrating our Christmas party by January when I return to Manila.
She told me that we need to meet because she had to give me her gifts to my pamangkins! Wow! She have gifts for my pamangkins! They would really be very happy. Although it's not from me, that would not matter to them. So, I hurriedly went to our meeting place (at Jollibee).
Finally we met, and she gave a bag of gifts. I was very much grateful to her. She even treated me for a free meriyenda at Jolibee. Wow! Double blessing! We chatted and exchanged a few laughs. I had a most heartwarming meryenda with her.
"God is truly a great God. He is full of surprises."
My Second Blessing
It was a bit late when I went back to our house to finish up packing. Finally, I was finished at around 2pm. My flight was 4:35pm. So I need to be there by 3pm. I went out to get a cab, but it was difficult to get one. I prayed to God for the right cab. I just relaxed myself - in full trust to God that He will give me one. I was thankful that my prayer was answered at once. And He gave me a really kind driver.
There was light traffic, so I arrived early at the airport. The line was not too long, but the service was slow, due to the overbaggage of the other passengers. So, when it was my turn, I was a bit exhausted and nearing to getting irritated. Finally, it was already my turn. I'm glad that the transaction for my boarding pass was not that complicated since I had only 1 check-in baggage and it was really light. I finished quick and I went to the final checking of the baggage. Suddenly the lady checking our things asked me to remove the umbrella inside my bag. So, I removed it, and she snatched it from me. She told me that umbrellas are not allowed and that it was already confiscated! She dropped my umbrella inside a container below the table. I was really shocked and angry at the same time at that very instance. I asked her if I could get my umbrella, and that I would be checking it in. She agreed, so, I took it from the container and went back to the check-in counter. I told the teller that I did not know that umbrellas are not allowed to be hand carried. He confirmed and told me that it was prohibited to hand carry any umbrella. So, I told him to check-in this. He told me that I need to place it inside a bag. I said, "what????!!!?? I don't have any extra bag!" He asked me to use my other bag that I was carrying with me. I said that I don't want to check in that bag. Fortunately, I recalled that I still have the bag of gifts. So, finally, I agreed to check-in my other bag. But I was able to remove the stuff first inside this bag and transfer it to the bags with the gifts inside. The bag of gifts was a double blessing to me.
My Third Blessing
As I was finally finished and was starting to leave the counter, I noticed an ID and a paper on the counter table. When I looked at it, it was my ID and my printed ticket! I did not know that I forgot to take back my ID after my initial check in! That means that if my umbrella was not confiscated, I would have lost my ID plus my printed ticket! Wow! That means that God used that incident for me to go back to the counter.
"Our trials are God's way to lead us to the right path."
My Reflection
Whatever happens to us, whether trials or blessing, let's not miss the point. In doing so we won't miss the blessing after the trial. I thank God that His message to me is still clear. Although I still have the compulsion of complaining. But after that, I still get His message. God's love for me still reigns in me.
I know these things that I told you are just petty things. But it gave me clear messages of God in action in me. That even on small things, God never left me. God was, is, and will always be with me.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I praise You Oh Lord for all the wonderful things that you are doing in my life.
Thank you, for giving me a clearer vision amidst the clouds of trials that I am going through right now. Thank you Lord for clarity and peace in my heart and my soul. You truly are worthy of all praises. You truly are my Lord. Though unworthy of your Love, you still Love me anyway. And I thank you for that.
Unemployment Emotion Stress Career Financial Opportunity
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
People Changes When Tipped
"I don't need money." My friend blurted that out to me one day as we were out eating our diner. She was telling me that she wanted to try out new things. So, I suggested to her if she would want to earn extra income. I told her she can start her own business.
My Past
I recalled that those were somewhat the same words that I was uttering during my employment period. I had a very "stable" job at that time. And my salary was more than enough for me. I was able to travel to different places. I was able to take my vacation. Sometimes I would treat my friends. I also have some savings, but it was not really increasing that much. I have some investments too. I also practiced living (as much as possible) a simple life. Living below my means. I would say, I had a really comfortable life. When I saw people having difficulty in their finances, I would always have that idea that they just don't know how to manage their finances. Or maybe they were not blessed because they did are not good people. Or I would say, they don't have enough faith.
Having my own business didn't came across my mind during my employment years. I didn't know what kind of business was for me during that time. And I was thinking that business was not for me. I just would like to sulk in my computer chair in front of my computer the whole day. As long as I am comfortable and safe in my office. Not minding of other people's business. Not minding at all wether people needs my help or not. I was very indifferent at that time. "As long as I am doing my job, and am not inflicting pain on other people." That was my motto before. I don't have the heart of helping others. I was just minding my own business. Maybe the reason for this was that I could not empathize on other people's in needs. As long as I was doing my job, I believed that I was safe at least financially. Anyway, I don't know how to help the people that are financially drained. I don't want to give them my financial help because I did not want them to depend on me.
That was how I lived my life and that was how I saw life, until my big fall came.
My Change of Perspective
I received a retrenchment notice the very first day of the year (January) that I reported in the office. It was a shocking news. But I was able to accept this sad news really quick. That was the day that I realized that my job was really a temporary one. And that this job would have an end. That "stability" is not real in terms of "job".
It taught me that there is a need for us to build the right financial foundation while we still can. Since I was out of job, we tried out doing business. We received our separation pay, so my friends and I were able put up a new business venture. But we are very new in doing business. We were not able to do it right in the first time. It is really difficult to start a business with a very limitted resources. I also had to weigh this business if this was in line with my core gift.
Doing the very first business was really tough one. We were immersed in the world of the small time vendors. It is a very tedious and very physical work. We became part of this society and environment. I thought that this was an easy thing to do. But I was wrong. It is a very hard work and requires very straineous activities. From ordering stocks, to lifting these stocks to the store. From physical inventory to computation of actual sales.
I saw with my very own eyes, how small time vendors strive to survive with their daily needs. With their not so big income.
My Wake Up Call
I think this was a way of God telling me to wake up. To wake up and see the reality surrounding me. So many people in need, yet very few people care enough to help. While I was having struggles, I could see people also having struggles. And I saw many people too indifferent to help. Too engrossed with their own lives. Too engrossed with their own small problems. These people just don't stop to help. They don't even look at the people in distress. I would often times hear people say, "I work hard to be able to meet my family's needs. Why don't these poor people work also?" Instead of saying, "How can I extend my help to them? How can I love these people?" Instead of thinking of a way to help the people in distress, they would rather spend their energy complaining at these people.
I believe that most of these poor people once strived to work in order to live and just gave up. They gave up because they no longer did not know what to do. They just gave up because people refuse to help them.
A visous cycle. Because people won't help them, that's why they give up. People won't help them because they now refused help. If people will try to help them, they no longer want that kind of help. Instead they would prefer to beg. Only a few people would take time to really help them. To sit down with them. To love them.
A Big Hope
After all these financial difficulties, I was lead to different seminars. These seminars nourished my knowledge about life and how to live it. Seminars on how to be successful in all areas of my life. I digested every word that I've heard. I found a passion on sharing these new knowledge to others. But I was not contented with this.
I was looking for more.
And then finally, I was able to attend one particular seminar. This seminar gave me another big hope in truly helping mankind - financially distressed or not. Helping people to be out of financial problems. Helping people to be equipped with the knowledge on how to build a stable financial foundation while they still have the means to produce income. This seminar taught me the value of money. What is the most stable financial foundation. And how to achieve this stability. I found out that there are still establishments that truly helps people who are in need. That there are still very dedicated people out there who spends their time educating us on financial literacy.
Here are some things to ponder about.
Do we need to experience these things for us to help people?
Do we need to experience these things for us to change?
Do we need to experience these things for us to empathize on the people in need?
Why can't we learn from people that have experienced these things?
Whe do we need to have a tipping point in order for us to have a change of heart?
Don't wait for things to happen to you. Make a decision to make things happen- improve your financial literacy.
If you are interested on learning on what should be the basic and stable financial foundation, and how to achieve this, there are free seminars conducted on this.
To know more of these free seminars, send me a message now. My email address is
Share this story to your friends if you think your friends can benefit on this.
You can also read this.
Why Business Fails
The Seminar That Changed Everything
My Past
I recalled that those were somewhat the same words that I was uttering during my employment period. I had a very "stable" job at that time. And my salary was more than enough for me. I was able to travel to different places. I was able to take my vacation. Sometimes I would treat my friends. I also have some savings, but it was not really increasing that much. I have some investments too. I also practiced living (as much as possible) a simple life. Living below my means. I would say, I had a really comfortable life. When I saw people having difficulty in their finances, I would always have that idea that they just don't know how to manage their finances. Or maybe they were not blessed because they did are not good people. Or I would say, they don't have enough faith.
Having my own business didn't came across my mind during my employment years. I didn't know what kind of business was for me during that time. And I was thinking that business was not for me. I just would like to sulk in my computer chair in front of my computer the whole day. As long as I am comfortable and safe in my office. Not minding of other people's business. Not minding at all wether people needs my help or not. I was very indifferent at that time. "As long as I am doing my job, and am not inflicting pain on other people." That was my motto before. I don't have the heart of helping others. I was just minding my own business. Maybe the reason for this was that I could not empathize on other people's in needs. As long as I was doing my job, I believed that I was safe at least financially. Anyway, I don't know how to help the people that are financially drained. I don't want to give them my financial help because I did not want them to depend on me.
That was how I lived my life and that was how I saw life, until my big fall came.
My Change of Perspective
I received a retrenchment notice the very first day of the year (January) that I reported in the office. It was a shocking news. But I was able to accept this sad news really quick. That was the day that I realized that my job was really a temporary one. And that this job would have an end. That "stability" is not real in terms of "job".
It taught me that there is a need for us to build the right financial foundation while we still can. Since I was out of job, we tried out doing business. We received our separation pay, so my friends and I were able put up a new business venture. But we are very new in doing business. We were not able to do it right in the first time. It is really difficult to start a business with a very limitted resources. I also had to weigh this business if this was in line with my core gift.
Doing the very first business was really tough one. We were immersed in the world of the small time vendors. It is a very tedious and very physical work. We became part of this society and environment. I thought that this was an easy thing to do. But I was wrong. It is a very hard work and requires very straineous activities. From ordering stocks, to lifting these stocks to the store. From physical inventory to computation of actual sales.
I saw with my very own eyes, how small time vendors strive to survive with their daily needs. With their not so big income.
My Wake Up Call
I think this was a way of God telling me to wake up. To wake up and see the reality surrounding me. So many people in need, yet very few people care enough to help. While I was having struggles, I could see people also having struggles. And I saw many people too indifferent to help. Too engrossed with their own lives. Too engrossed with their own small problems. These people just don't stop to help. They don't even look at the people in distress. I would often times hear people say, "I work hard to be able to meet my family's needs. Why don't these poor people work also?" Instead of saying, "How can I extend my help to them? How can I love these people?" Instead of thinking of a way to help the people in distress, they would rather spend their energy complaining at these people.
I believe that most of these poor people once strived to work in order to live and just gave up. They gave up because they no longer did not know what to do. They just gave up because people refuse to help them.
A visous cycle. Because people won't help them, that's why they give up. People won't help them because they now refused help. If people will try to help them, they no longer want that kind of help. Instead they would prefer to beg. Only a few people would take time to really help them. To sit down with them. To love them.
A Big Hope
After all these financial difficulties, I was lead to different seminars. These seminars nourished my knowledge about life and how to live it. Seminars on how to be successful in all areas of my life. I digested every word that I've heard. I found a passion on sharing these new knowledge to others. But I was not contented with this.
I was looking for more.
And then finally, I was able to attend one particular seminar. This seminar gave me another big hope in truly helping mankind - financially distressed or not. Helping people to be out of financial problems. Helping people to be equipped with the knowledge on how to build a stable financial foundation while they still have the means to produce income. This seminar taught me the value of money. What is the most stable financial foundation. And how to achieve this stability. I found out that there are still establishments that truly helps people who are in need. That there are still very dedicated people out there who spends their time educating us on financial literacy.
Here are some things to ponder about.
Do we need to experience these things for us to help people?
Do we need to experience these things for us to change?
Do we need to experience these things for us to empathize on the people in need?
Why can't we learn from people that have experienced these things?
Whe do we need to have a tipping point in order for us to have a change of heart?
Don't wait for things to happen to you. Make a decision to make things happen- improve your financial literacy.
If you are interested on learning on what should be the basic and stable financial foundation, and how to achieve this, there are free seminars conducted on this.
To know more of these free seminars, send me a message now. My email address is
Share this story to your friends if you think your friends can benefit on this.
You can also read this.
Why Business Fails
The Seminar That Changed Everything
Why A Business Fails - MOP
So why does a business fails? "My Own Opinion"
One day, a woman named Nene decided to place an ice cream stand in one of the malls located near her home. She thought it was a great business. She saw lots of kids going inside the mall. And the location was a great spot. There were no other ice cream stand yet. So for a few months, she had a good sales. She borrowed some more money and bought 2 more ice cream stands. She placed them on other strategic locations - in a school and outside a playground. Nene was really happy for a while.
Six months later, someone placed an ice scramble stand near Nene's ice cream stand. Several months after, there were already 2 ice scramble stand, and another ice scream stand. Nene could no longer meet her sales. She could hardly pay her rent and salary for her crew. She could not even pay the supplier of her ice cream. A few months after, she decided to close her 3 ice cream stand. She has now a big debt.
If we want to be successful in a business, we need mentors or people who are also successful in that area. But for some small scale businesses, specially for starters, people tend to do the same concept as the concept of the successful business. And worst is, they would do this business within the location of the original concept. This would divide the earning of the original concept with the second same concept.
Learn From Success and Failures
People just don't get it. I'm actually confused as to why they tend to do this. This kind of setup would
eventually lead not just to loss of sales but to chaos. Despite the result, they still do it anyway. Why? What
is the psychology behind this? What's the logic behind this behavior? Is there any way we can avoid this kind of scenario?
One of the best reason I can think of
Most of us don't see or appreciate our very own uniqueness. If we see other people succeed, we would copy them. We are in constant lookout on what is the trend and not on what we are capable of doing. We would try to imitate. Then when things does not go the way we wanted it to happen, we tend to get depressed. We tend to tell ourselves that we are no good.
We are created differently from each other. That is the beauty of an individual. But we don't see it. We are
blinded by the fact that others are successful and we are not. We don't pause and reflect. What is my purpose?
What should I be doing? Instead, we are busy thinking on why we fail. We tell ourselves that we already did what the successful person did, but yet we still failed. We ask ourselves the question, "What's wrong with me? Why am I not good enough? Am I really that dumb?"
People would label you as "Slow" or "dumb" if you don't get what they teach you. Or they would label you as
"tamad" or "lazy" if you don't do anything. I myself have experienced being "tamad" and "slow" in my work. I
usually get really sleepy when I am doing things I don't want to do or am not interested in. Some "lazy" people
fail to explore what they really are built to do. The reason is, we are focused on the things that others do
great. We don't see what we are capable of doing the best. And because of this, we miss our true joy.
Another blinding factor is our financial status. And guess what? I am in this situation right now. It has been
10 months that I am out of job. This is causing me great panic. My finances is depleting as time goes by, and I still don't see any glimmer of hope as to when would this episode of my life end. I told myself - I need a job!
I started applying for a job, for this month, And I was able to apply to 3 companies. All 3 job offers rejected me within 1 month. I felt like a total loser.
The next question would be, how then would you know what's in store for you? How would you find your core gift? Your life's purpose? My answer is this. If you have not discovered it yet, discover it. Look for opportunities. Or you can say yes to every opportunity that comes. Try it out. If it doesn't work for you, try another. And another. Don't stop searching. Don't stop trying. Until you find your heart's desire. And if you have found it, stop doing the insignificant things, and stay focused on this one thing. Develop this, and you will see great things happen in your life. This is so, because you are doing your life's purpose.
Here are some things to ponder. I forgot from whom I got these quotes :
There's still hope for me today
Rejection or failure is redirection.
Don't miss what your life should be all about.
Still searching for your right path? Enjoy every moment :)
Here's another question. Are you the person who have not found your core gift yet? Your very purpose or mission yet? If so, then I have some recommendations for you.
For more information on this, you can email me @
Have a meaningful and joyful life!
You can also read
People Changes When Tipped
The Seminar That Changed My Life
One day, a woman named Nene decided to place an ice cream stand in one of the malls located near her home. She thought it was a great business. She saw lots of kids going inside the mall. And the location was a great spot. There were no other ice cream stand yet. So for a few months, she had a good sales. She borrowed some more money and bought 2 more ice cream stands. She placed them on other strategic locations - in a school and outside a playground. Nene was really happy for a while.
Six months later, someone placed an ice scramble stand near Nene's ice cream stand. Several months after, there were already 2 ice scramble stand, and another ice scream stand. Nene could no longer meet her sales. She could hardly pay her rent and salary for her crew. She could not even pay the supplier of her ice cream. A few months after, she decided to close her 3 ice cream stand. She has now a big debt.
If we want to be successful in a business, we need mentors or people who are also successful in that area. But for some small scale businesses, specially for starters, people tend to do the same concept as the concept of the successful business. And worst is, they would do this business within the location of the original concept. This would divide the earning of the original concept with the second same concept.
Learn From Success and Failures
People just don't get it. I'm actually confused as to why they tend to do this. This kind of setup would
eventually lead not just to loss of sales but to chaos. Despite the result, they still do it anyway. Why? What
is the psychology behind this? What's the logic behind this behavior? Is there any way we can avoid this kind of scenario?
One of the best reason I can think of
Most of us don't see or appreciate our very own uniqueness. If we see other people succeed, we would copy them. We are in constant lookout on what is the trend and not on what we are capable of doing. We would try to imitate. Then when things does not go the way we wanted it to happen, we tend to get depressed. We tend to tell ourselves that we are no good.
We are created differently from each other. That is the beauty of an individual. But we don't see it. We are
blinded by the fact that others are successful and we are not. We don't pause and reflect. What is my purpose?
What should I be doing? Instead, we are busy thinking on why we fail. We tell ourselves that we already did what the successful person did, but yet we still failed. We ask ourselves the question, "What's wrong with me? Why am I not good enough? Am I really that dumb?"
People would label you as "Slow" or "dumb" if you don't get what they teach you. Or they would label you as
"tamad" or "lazy" if you don't do anything. I myself have experienced being "tamad" and "slow" in my work. I
usually get really sleepy when I am doing things I don't want to do or am not interested in. Some "lazy" people
fail to explore what they really are built to do. The reason is, we are focused on the things that others do
great. We don't see what we are capable of doing the best. And because of this, we miss our true joy.
Another blinding factor is our financial status. And guess what? I am in this situation right now. It has been
10 months that I am out of job. This is causing me great panic. My finances is depleting as time goes by, and I still don't see any glimmer of hope as to when would this episode of my life end. I told myself - I need a job!
I started applying for a job, for this month, And I was able to apply to 3 companies. All 3 job offers rejected me within 1 month. I felt like a total loser.
The next question would be, how then would you know what's in store for you? How would you find your core gift? Your life's purpose? My answer is this. If you have not discovered it yet, discover it. Look for opportunities. Or you can say yes to every opportunity that comes. Try it out. If it doesn't work for you, try another. And another. Don't stop searching. Don't stop trying. Until you find your heart's desire. And if you have found it, stop doing the insignificant things, and stay focused on this one thing. Develop this, and you will see great things happen in your life. This is so, because you are doing your life's purpose.
Here are some things to ponder. I forgot from whom I got these quotes :
There's still hope for me today
Rejection or failure is redirection.
Don't miss what your life should be all about.
Still searching for your right path? Enjoy every moment :)
Here's another question. Are you the person who have not found your core gift yet? Your very purpose or mission yet? If so, then I have some recommendations for you.
For more information on this, you can email me @
Have a meaningful and joyful life!
You can also read
People Changes When Tipped
The Seminar That Changed My Life
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Prayer and Life Workshop (PLW) - My Very Own Testimony
It has been 10 months now since my retrenchment. I haven't updated this blog for several months now, since I was too preoccupied with lots activities. I felt so blessed during those months since I learned a lot of new things. I believe that in order to become truly successful, I have to be successful in all areas of life - physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and financially. With God's grace, I was able to meet new mentors in my life. I now have a mentor in all areas of my life. I have a mentor for my health, another mentor for my spiritual growth, another one for my finances, another for my emotional growth, and one for my intellectual growth. Just like our very own Manny Pacquiao, he also has a mentor. If we want to become a champion, we must also be mentored by mentors. By the way, he just won in today's fight with Antonio Margarito. Another reason for us Filipinos to be proud on our country. But what about the rest of us? Are we contented in watching others win? Don't we want to become champions ourselves? Right now, I am planting seeds in all areas of my life, with the aid of my mentors. I believe that these seeds, with proper care and nourishment, would grow and bear many fruits.
PLW (Prayer and Life Workshop)
One seed that I planted was the PLW. This - Prayer and Life Workshop - changed my life. I haven't submitted a testimony on this (as requested), so I'll just write my very personal testimony during this whole workshop here. Though I've shared some of these verbally during our graduation rites.
This was a 15-day workshop and was held every Wednesday 7pm behind St. Francis Parish along Shaw Boulevard. We started this last September and we just had our graduation today at Holy Spirit, BF Homes, QC. I felt a bit sad that the workshop is over. I would be missing this activity tremendously.
Desert Day
Our "graduation rites" is called Desert Day. It was held just this morning. It started 7am and ended around 4pm. The night before our graduation, I set my alarm to 4:30am, so that I could start really early to prepare everything. Unfortunately, I did not hear the alarm. Good thing, my friend sent me a message in my mobile but it was already 6:30 am! I heard the message tone, and suddenly rose up from my sleep. I hurriedly took a bath (still very dizzy), dressed up, and went off. It was good that traffic was very light since it was still early. We arrived at the site around 7:30 am.
We rang the doorbell outside the gate, but no one was answering. We waited for a little while since there was a message posted at the gate to wait a little while for the gate to be opened. We just read our assignments while waiting. After a few minutes, there was still no answer. My friend excused herself and went across the street to blow her nose (she had a cold at that time). She saw that there was another gate.
Thanks to her colds, we were able to go inside the correct gate. My reaction? I thank God that He made a way for us to be in the right gate.
If you ask me what would be my reaction on that situation if I haven't had the PLW, I would have had been pissed off, or would not have felt good. PLW changed my life tremendously, and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be in that workshop. It gave me a different perspective in life. It gave me reasons to thank God amidst my trials and adversities.
It made me more reflective, and calm. My prayers are now making sense and are interconnected with my life. Yes, I still experience trials and pains. I still experience downfalls and still submits sometimes to temptations. But with God's grace, I am now stronger. With God within me and I in Him, I know that everything will just fall into its right place.
The workshop made me love God, love God's words through the bible, love the people around me. There is more love in me than before I had the PLW.
I believe that God has a big plan for all of us, and PLW is a great instrument that would lead us to the right path where the big plan is being prepared.
I do hope PLW will be spread all over the Philippines, specially in the provinces, and all over the world as well. God gives tools and instruments to be closer to Him. And I thank Him for giving PLW to me.
So if you happen to read this, and there is an opportunity for you to join this workshop, I encourage you to join. I'm very much certain that it will greatly affect your life, as well as it did in mine. If you are interested on this, I found a facebook fan page on this. You can click here
There is also another site you can visit:
About The Prayer And Life Workshops
Prayer And Life Workshops Philippines
To God Be The Glory!
PLW (Prayer and Life Workshop)
One seed that I planted was the PLW. This - Prayer and Life Workshop - changed my life. I haven't submitted a testimony on this (as requested), so I'll just write my very personal testimony during this whole workshop here. Though I've shared some of these verbally during our graduation rites.
This was a 15-day workshop and was held every Wednesday 7pm behind St. Francis Parish along Shaw Boulevard. We started this last September and we just had our graduation today at Holy Spirit, BF Homes, QC. I felt a bit sad that the workshop is over. I would be missing this activity tremendously.
Desert Day
Our "graduation rites" is called Desert Day. It was held just this morning. It started 7am and ended around 4pm. The night before our graduation, I set my alarm to 4:30am, so that I could start really early to prepare everything. Unfortunately, I did not hear the alarm. Good thing, my friend sent me a message in my mobile but it was already 6:30 am! I heard the message tone, and suddenly rose up from my sleep. I hurriedly took a bath (still very dizzy), dressed up, and went off. It was good that traffic was very light since it was still early. We arrived at the site around 7:30 am.
We rang the doorbell outside the gate, but no one was answering. We waited for a little while since there was a message posted at the gate to wait a little while for the gate to be opened. We just read our assignments while waiting. After a few minutes, there was still no answer. My friend excused herself and went across the street to blow her nose (she had a cold at that time). She saw that there was another gate.
Thanks to her colds, we were able to go inside the correct gate. My reaction? I thank God that He made a way for us to be in the right gate.
If you ask me what would be my reaction on that situation if I haven't had the PLW, I would have had been pissed off, or would not have felt good. PLW changed my life tremendously, and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be in that workshop. It gave me a different perspective in life. It gave me reasons to thank God amidst my trials and adversities.
It made me more reflective, and calm. My prayers are now making sense and are interconnected with my life. Yes, I still experience trials and pains. I still experience downfalls and still submits sometimes to temptations. But with God's grace, I am now stronger. With God within me and I in Him, I know that everything will just fall into its right place.
The workshop made me love God, love God's words through the bible, love the people around me. There is more love in me than before I had the PLW.
I believe that God has a big plan for all of us, and PLW is a great instrument that would lead us to the right path where the big plan is being prepared.
So if you happen to read this, and there is an opportunity for you to join this workshop, I encourage you to join. I'm very much certain that it will greatly affect your life, as well as it did in mine. If you are interested on this, I found a facebook fan page on this. You can click here
There is also another site you can visit:
About The Prayer And Life Workshops
Prayer And Life Workshops Philippines
To God Be The Glory!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Awaken The Healer In You - Part IV - Nourishment (Video)
One big message for this part of the series Awaken The Healer in You is YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
Daniel 1:11-15 "Test us for 10 days," he said. "Give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare us with the young men who are eating the food of the royal court..." He agreed to let them try it for 10 days. When the time was up, thy looked healthier and stronger than all those who had been eating the royal food."
Our physical body needs nourishment which includes eating proper nutritious food. We seldom forget this particular message. We just remember eating nutritious food when we finally get really sick. Should we wait for this to happen to us?
Watch Bo Sanchez as he explains what proper food should we eat so we could remain truly healthy.
Once again, thank you to the kerygma family for sharing this wonderful message.
Enjoy and be blessed!
Daniel 1:11-15 "Test us for 10 days," he said. "Give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare us with the young men who are eating the food of the royal court..." He agreed to let them try it for 10 days. When the time was up, thy looked healthier and stronger than all those who had been eating the royal food."
Our physical body needs nourishment which includes eating proper nutritious food. We seldom forget this particular message. We just remember eating nutritious food when we finally get really sick. Should we wait for this to happen to us?
Watch Bo Sanchez as he explains what proper food should we eat so we could remain truly healthy.
Once again, thank you to the kerygma family for sharing this wonderful message.
Enjoy and be blessed!
Awaken The Healer In You - Part III - Relationships (Video)
This part of the Awaken The Healer in You has one big message: ONLY LOVE HEALS.
Love is food for our soul.
Proverbs 12:18 - "Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal."
Through experience, I usually get sick whenever I have a problem with my relationship with my friends or my family. My stomach easily gets upset and finally I end up having hyper acidity or endless coughs.
We need to strengthen in all aspects of our relationship (in our physical world as well as spiritual world) if we want to attain a really healthy body and a sound mind.
Watch Bo Sanchez as he explains this in detail. Enjoy and get refreshed in God's words through Bo Sanchez.
Again, I would like to thank Kerygma Family for sharing this in the Youtube.
Watch out for the next episode of this series, Awaken The Healer In You!
Love is food for our soul.
Proverbs 12:18 - "Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal."
Through experience, I usually get sick whenever I have a problem with my relationship with my friends or my family. My stomach easily gets upset and finally I end up having hyper acidity or endless coughs.
We need to strengthen in all aspects of our relationship (in our physical world as well as spiritual world) if we want to attain a really healthy body and a sound mind.
Watch Bo Sanchez as he explains this in detail. Enjoy and get refreshed in God's words through Bo Sanchez.
Again, I would like to thank Kerygma Family for sharing this in the Youtube.
Watch out for the next episode of this series, Awaken The Healer In You!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
T3 The Secret Of Big Returns - Invite This AUGUST
I'm really excited on Bo Sanchez's next talk series - T3 - The Secret of Big Returns. The series will start this August of 2010. Again, another wonderful nourishment for our body and our soul. There are 14 local feasts that would be sharing this series. So, if you are residing near the following area, you are one lucky person!
Why do I say lucky?
The First Reason - you will be attending The Feast! The Happiest Place On Earth!
The Second Reason - This is ABSOLUTELY FREE!
The Third Reason - You can gain MORE FRIENDS.
The Fourth Reason - You can gain MORE KNOWLEDGE.
The Fifth Reason - You will be blessed in all aspect of your life - Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Financially, Intellectually..
The Sixth Reason - You'll get to know our Good Lord in our daily lives.
The Seventh Reason - You'll have FUN!
So come, join us, and bring your family and friends with you!
Series Starts August 1, 2010
When : Every Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 a.m.
Where : PICC, Pasay City
Contact : 726-8951 / 726-3929
Series Starts August 8, 2010
When : Every Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 nn or 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Where : Valle Verde Country Club (Beside ULTRA)
Contact : 726-8951 / 726-3929
Series Starts August 9, 2010
When : Every Monday 7:30 p.m. - 900 p.m.
Where : Roofdeck, Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Ave.
Contact : 920-1282 / 0917-7949552
Series Starts August 5, 2010
When : Every Thursday 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Where : AIM Conference Center, Benavidez cor Paseo de Roxas, Makati City
(in front of Greenbelt 1)
Contact : 0915-3333924
Series Starts August 6, 2010
When : Every Friday 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Where : Cinema 4 SM Manila (near City Hall)
Contact : 0917-8045630 / 216-7719
Series Starts August 7, 2010
When : Every Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 nn
Where : Convention Hall, Bureau of Soils, Visayas Ave, Q.C.
Contact : 0918-9062791
Series Starts August 8, 2010
When : Every Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Where : Cinema 10, Festival Mall, Alabang
Contact :
Series Starts August 7, 2010
When : Every Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Where : 2/F Activity Center, Pavillion Mall, Binan, Laguna
Contact : 0918-9901811 / /0918-9489454
Series Starts August 7, 2010
When : Every Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Healing Services : 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Where : Cinema 2, SM Marilao, Bulacan
Contact : 0917-8398830
Series Starts August 7, 2010
When : Every Last Sunday 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Where : San Isidro Labrador Parish, Liciada, Bustos, Bulacan
Contact : 0917-4358746 / 0922-8190198
Series Starts August 7, 2010
When : Every Saturday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Where : Cinema 1, SM Baliuag, Bulacan
Contact : 0917-4358746 / 0922-8190198
Series Starts August 8, 2010
When : Every Sunday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Where : Valley Fair, Taytay, Rizal
Contact : 0918-9859229
Series Starts August 15, 2010
When : Every Sunday 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Where : Cinema 1, SM Valenzuela, Valenzuela
Contact : 0917-5789554
Series Starts August 15, 2010
When : Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Where : Professional Bldg., Angeles University Foundation, Angeles City
Contact : 0917-5332756
For More Information, call (02)725-9999.
Or you can POST A QUESTION/COMMENT for more information.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Awaken The Healer In You - Part II - Emotions (Video)
Having great relationship within our family, friends, and the people around us is one of the most important factor in order for us to have a good health. But there is no such a thing as a perfect relationship. There will always be conflicts within our family, friends and the people around us. It produces negative emotions within us. This causes a lot of stress which could lead to sickness.
What do we need to do for us to avoid sickness due to stress caused by conflicts within our loved ones? Bo Sanchez emphasized, "What we can feel, we can heal." We need to feel the negative emotion and offer this to our Lord. We must not deny that we have that negative emotion. We must not deny that we are angry, or we are worried, or whatever negative emotion we have.
2 Recommended Pills to be Healthy
Watch Bo Sanchez as he further explains on how to Awaken The Healer In You.
What do we need to do for us to avoid sickness due to stress caused by conflicts within our loved ones? Bo Sanchez emphasized, "What we can feel, we can heal." We need to feel the negative emotion and offer this to our Lord. We must not deny that we have that negative emotion. We must not deny that we are angry, or we are worried, or whatever negative emotion we have.
2 Recommended Pills to be Healthy
- Pill of Gratitude
- Pill of Trust
Watch Bo Sanchez as he further explains on how to Awaken The Healer In You.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Awaken The Healer In You - Part I - Introduction (Video)
Being unemployed but have a new business is really tough for me. Our new franchise business Pinoy Pao is currently at loss. We spend more for this business everyday. As the days and weeks pass by, my body is getting more weary. I'm getting more insecure and really worried. It then came to a point that I got sick. I had a slight flu. For two days, I just rested. I slept more until my body was good enough to work again. I know there's still a long way to go for our business to be stable, so I need that strength from God to just keep going and trust in Him.
Every Sunday, I go to The Feast where there is a mass, worship, and a talk from a great preacher Bo Sanchez. I'm really grateful that he opened a new teaching series entitled, Awaken The Healer In You. I thought, "I think this a great teaching for me. I really needed this. Thank God!"
This talk applies to all of us. Since we are humans and there will be a time in our lives that we get sick. And this is the reason why I'm sharing it to each and everyone of you out there. May this inspire you to Awaken The Healer In You. I know this video is a bit lengthy, but I'm sure it is more than worth to watch this.
Every Sunday, I go to The Feast where there is a mass, worship, and a talk from a great preacher Bo Sanchez. I'm really grateful that he opened a new teaching series entitled, Awaken The Healer In You. I thought, "I think this a great teaching for me. I really needed this. Thank God!"
This talk applies to all of us. Since we are humans and there will be a time in our lives that we get sick. And this is the reason why I'm sharing it to each and everyone of you out there. May this inspire you to Awaken The Healer In You. I know this video is a bit lengthy, but I'm sure it is more than worth to watch this.
Thank you to the internet and the Kerygmafamily for sharing this video talk to the whole world. May God continue to bless your ministry.
Or you can read his blog about this talk here.
Watch out for the next part of this series here soon.
Watch out for the next part of this series here soon.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Who Moved My Cheese? The Movie
This is based on the book Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, MD. I have already read this book but I had a different interpretation that time. They created a mini movie cartoon based on this very inspiring book.
I was once riding on a bus and someone went inside and started talking to us. He was asking for alms because the previous company that he worked for had stopped operation. Most of them got really mad because the company did not give them any compensation.
There are times that we get very contented with what we are doing. We often times begin to build our very own comfort zone and decide to stay there. Often times we do not see that the source of our contentment and comfort is getting thinner and thinner by the day. We do not prepare ourselves to what ever misfortune that would happen. We often times get confused when we are dragged outside our comfort zone.
Let's learn from two mice Sniff and Scurry, and the two small people, Hem and Haw.
Hope you enjoy watching!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
One Thing I Did Not Miss In My Corporate World
Unfortunately, I had to go to Quezon City for an errand that morning. So I went. Due to severe traffic, I got to the office before lunch time. We just ate lunch first before starting with the training.
We started the training at around 2 in the afternoon. One of the attendee started feeling really drowsy. And in a matter of minutes, he was already asleep. I felt really insulted since he did not even attempted to awaken himself. I should understand him since I also have that tendency - falling asleep during trainings. But at that moment I felt really bad. And thought that what the company was paying me was put into waste. And my effort was also put to waste. What was worse was he went out to buy food. Woah! To think he was still new in the office. It's such a very degrading act. I started asking myself... Am I that boring? Hmmm.....maybe....Maybe I lacked passion for this since I'm not an expert on this application.
When I checked the time, it was almost 5 pm. So, I just finished the training and told them just to ask the next trainer if they have more questions.
Looking back at my office days.... I spent a lot of idled hours and wasted time. There were lots of boring moments and very unproductive days. That was one huge vacation I did at the office. I was like a big slob in our office. Sometimes I felt really useless and worthless. There were no more projects and we just were trying to keep ourselves busy. I became an expert... on facebook and youtube. I had mixed feelings of contentment, uselessness and incompetence.
Yes, being employed in an office gives you a sense of security specially financially. But in the midst of that security still lies insecurity and feeling of lacking of self worth. No offense to all companies out there. I'm speaking about companies that does not have continuous projects. Or even if there are continuous projects, is this really what you are passionate about? Do you really love what you are doing? Are you really excellent on what you are doing?
As far as what I have observed during my training, the attendees were not really into this project. One is not a bit interested, and the other is trying really hard to understand what I was talking about. And as for myself, I could not even explain it really well since my understanding on this application until now is really shallow. In other words, as far as honesty is concerned, I admit that I too am incompetent for this application.
All of us have a choice. Why not do the things that matters most? Why not do the things that we really love doing that is worth paying? We are too blinded by corporate looks and big buildings. Why waste our time sleeping in the office? Life is precious. Let's not waste it.
We started the training at around 2 in the afternoon. One of the attendee started feeling really drowsy. And in a matter of minutes, he was already asleep. I felt really insulted since he did not even attempted to awaken himself. I should understand him since I also have that tendency - falling asleep during trainings. But at that moment I felt really bad. And thought that what the company was paying me was put into waste. And my effort was also put to waste. What was worse was he went out to buy food. Woah! To think he was still new in the office. It's such a very degrading act. I started asking myself... Am I that boring? Hmmm.....maybe....Maybe I lacked passion for this since I'm not an expert on this application.
When I checked the time, it was almost 5 pm. So, I just finished the training and told them just to ask the next trainer if they have more questions.
Looking back at my office days.... I spent a lot of idled hours and wasted time. There were lots of boring moments and very unproductive days. That was one huge vacation I did at the office. I was like a big slob in our office. Sometimes I felt really useless and worthless. There were no more projects and we just were trying to keep ourselves busy. I became an expert... on facebook and youtube. I had mixed feelings of contentment, uselessness and incompetence.
Yes, being employed in an office gives you a sense of security specially financially. But in the midst of that security still lies insecurity and feeling of lacking of self worth. No offense to all companies out there. I'm speaking about companies that does not have continuous projects. Or even if there are continuous projects, is this really what you are passionate about? Do you really love what you are doing? Are you really excellent on what you are doing?
As far as what I have observed during my training, the attendees were not really into this project. One is not a bit interested, and the other is trying really hard to understand what I was talking about. And as for myself, I could not even explain it really well since my understanding on this application until now is really shallow. In other words, as far as honesty is concerned, I admit that I too am incompetent for this application.
All of us have a choice. Why not do the things that matters most? Why not do the things that we really love doing that is worth paying? We are too blinded by corporate looks and big buildings. Why waste our time sleeping in the office? Life is precious. Let's not waste it.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Secret Of A Millionaire Mind
I was searching for more inspiring videos from motivational speakers. I want to learn more from them as I'm just starting a new chapter of my career. I need to feed my mind with information that would boost up the power of positive mindset.
I read from the internet a title "Secret of A Millionaire Mind". Hmmm... This looks interesting and would probably be a good feed to my mind. I searched on the Youtube for the Secret of A Millionaire Mind and found this, by T Harv Eker. I found this really informative that I would like to share it to you. This is a bit lengthy, but trust me, it is really worth watching.
Here, you'll know the root cause why we have financial problems. And what can we do to solve this problem.
If you enjoyed watching, leave a comment.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for sharing!
I read from the internet a title "Secret of A Millionaire Mind". Hmmm... This looks interesting and would probably be a good feed to my mind. I searched on the Youtube for the Secret of A Millionaire Mind and found this, by T Harv Eker. I found this really informative that I would like to share it to you. This is a bit lengthy, but trust me, it is really worth watching.
Here, you'll know the root cause why we have financial problems. And what can we do to solve this problem.
If you enjoyed watching, leave a comment.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for sharing!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Creativity vs School
After watching the insight by Dan Pink, I found another related link this time from Sir Ken Robinson. We are all living in a very straight forward society. We see that if you are good in Academics, you have a bright future; but if you are good only in Arts or anything that is non-academics, you have a slim chance of being successful.
Sir Ken Robinson tells us a different view.
Watch this and get refreshed and renewed. All of us are naturally creative.
Sir Ken Robinson tells us a different view.
Watch this and get refreshed and renewed. All of us are naturally creative.
More Career Insights by Dan Pink
While I was browsing my Facebook, I found this interesting and very useful insight by Dan Pink. This time animated by RSA Animate. I think this is a clearer insight of his book the 6 Career Guide. This is The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.
There are 3 factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction:
Watch this to know what Dan Pink is talking about.
Let's not waste our lives and follow what our heart really tells us. Let's fulfill our purpose why we are all here in the first place.
There are 3 factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction:
- Autonomy
- Mastery
- Purpose
Watch this to know what Dan Pink is talking about.
Let's not waste our lives and follow what our heart really tells us. Let's fulfill our purpose why we are all here in the first place.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My 1st Pinoy Pao Opening Experience at Guadalupe Commercial Complex
My Inconvenient Walk
Last Tuesday was my very first time to open our Pinoy Pao store at Mart One, Guadalupe Commercial Complex by myself. The day before that, I prepared myself by creating a checklist on what to do during Opening of our Pinoy Pao. Here is the checklist that I prepared
When I reached the entrance of the Guadalupe Commercial Complex, it was still closed! I should have taken the Ilalim Jeepney since only the back door of the Guadalupe Mall is opened during that time. So, I walked and walked again. With my non stop dripping gulaman. Finally, I was able to go inside the Guadalupe Commercial Complex, and reach Pinoy Pao Mart One. The paper bag with the gulaman inside was already dilapidated. When I reached for the container, it spilled. More gulaman liquid on the floor! Woah! I have to clean everything before I could start doing what was written in my Opening Checklist.

Last Tuesday was my very first time to open our Pinoy Pao store at Mart One, Guadalupe Commercial Complex by myself. The day before that, I prepared myself by creating a checklist on what to do during Opening of our Pinoy Pao. Here is the checklist that I prepared
I conditioned my mind to be calm and not to get clumsy and finish everything that is in my checklist in just a few minutes.
Deep breaths.....
Tuesday morning came, I placed the gulaman and the sauce inside the paper bag.
I haled an Ibabaw Jeepney. As I was sitting inside the jeepney, I realized that the paper bag was dripping. It was the gulaman! The container probably was tilted. Oh no! There were gulaman liquid already on the floor of the jeepney. When we reached MRT Guadalupe Station, I hurriedly got off the jeepney. And started walking towards the Guadalupe Commercial Complex.
There were gulaman drips as I walked on the street, up the MRT Guadalupe Station, inside the elevator, and on the walkway.
Finally, I was finished cleaning, and started doing what was needed to be done.
Steamer Problem
When everything was finished, I just waited for the siopao, ham and cheese and siomai to be cooked. I waited, and waited, and waited. Hmmm... the wait seemed endless! Fortunately, one of my business
partners arrived. We observed the steamer and waited a little while longer. Then we figured, the steamer was broken! Good thing, my partner thought of another great idea. She told me to use our rice cooker with a steamer on it. We had that rice cooker since we used to offer siomai and rice value meal. But it was stopped since no one wants to avail that value meal. So there. We took the rice cooker and place the siopao and siomai in the steamer of the rice cooker. It took 5 minutes to cook! Wow! That was quick! And it was a perfect timing since someone was already buying siopao and siomai! Whew! What a great relief!
Panalo ka rice cooker! hahahhaah!!
We just placed the cooked siopao and siomai in the steamer for display. But when someone will be buying, we just heat it for less than 1 minute so that it will be freshly hot.
Advantages or benefits of using the rice cooker's steamer compared to the steamer only:
1. It has less wattage, therefore, less consumption of electricity
2. It cooks really fast (around 5 min.). It does not wait for 45 minutes to cook even if the siopao were not yet thawed.
3. The crew will not be too bored waiting for customers to order.
Disadvantages of using the rice cooker's steamer compared to the steamer only
1. It costs more work for the crew
Trials are pathways that would lead us to greater blessings. We could not see it at first. We get irritated and complain about it. But in the end, we realize that if we did not experience those things, we are not able receive a greater blessing.
You may also read:
Tips, Lessons Learned From Pinoy Pao
You may also read:
Tips, Lessons Learned From Pinoy Pao
Are you looking for a business? Or do you know how to manage or grow your existing funds? You may read this for some tips on how: Solid Financial Foundation
There are free seminars on how to manage your finance. You may email for details.
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